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Nikola Tesla
The Science Behind STORMDRAGON

Tesla's patent:

Apparatus for Transmitting Electrical Energy

Tesla experimented with radio extensively and was especially interested in the phenomenon of resonance. He had designed sophisticated transmitters and receivers, all of which used resonant circuits. He theorized that, with the proper frequencies and circuitry, vast amounts of energy—not just radio waves—could be sent with little loss to any place on the planet.

He built an experimental laboratory in Colorado Springs in 1899 to prove his theory was possible. His instruments detected the standing waves (possible only under resonant conditions) of passing thunderstorms, which convinced him that his theory of Terrestrial Resonance was correct. He now knew the earth was a giant conductor and could be set into resonance and store electrical energy that could be tapped by properly designed receivers.

He constructed the Magnifying Transmitter, a huge oscillator capable of generating millions of volts, tuned to a harmonic of the resonant frequency of the earth that he had discovered—8 Hertz.

In more recent years, scientists found that a region between the earth and the ionosphere, the Schumann Cavity, could be resonated at a frequency of around 8 Hertz—just as Tesla determined—and that energy might indeed be propagated around the planet at low loss.

The assumption that Tesla was correct, that energy can be transmitted around the world without loss, is an important story element in the technothriller, Storm Dragon—and leads to some very heavy fireworks!


If you'd like more information about Nikola Tesla, I highly recommend a visit to WWW.TeslaUniverse.com

Twenty First Century Books has a huge listing of books and sources about Nikola Tesla and Tesla technology.

Another great source for Tesla and science related info is Bill Beaty's giant Website: http://amasci.com. Bill teaches at the University of Washington and specializes in Tesla and general science.


Tesla Coils
Special Effects
HAARP Project
Author Lloyd Ritchey
Lloyd's Blog